Pitching a new Donut County category.
3 years ago
Maryland, USA

Since this game has a couple quirks that are missed in the Beat the Game category and we don't have a 100% category to see them, how about adding an All Achievements run. This run uses the PS4/5, Xbox, and Steam Achievements as they are the same and switch and mobile do not have achievements. Example Run: Rules: Get all 20 achievements -Quack Enthusiast: Quack 100 times. (can be completed at any text message) -Pup's Odyssey: Beat Potter's Rock. -Pyro: Set fire to Pepper's trailer. -Music Lover: Beat Gecko Park without collecting the radio. -Gamer: Buy the energy drinks with the catapult. -Egg Breaker: Break 3 dozen eggs. -Secret Soup: 2 shakes of salt, 3 shakes of pepper. (Cat Soup) -Donut County: Beat Donut Shop. -The Flume is Doomed: Beat Raccoon Lagoon. -Hacker: Use the hacking device to enter Raccoon HQ. (do not use the pause skip) -Bandit: During BioLab hit up, left, down, left, grab. This should show a cutscene of the vault opening if buttons were hit correctly. Beat BioLab but before entering Anthropology Lab enter the vault. -Disrespecter: Grab a firework and shoot it when you are on the far left. (Anthropology Lab) -Game Over: Lose to the boss. -Flawless: Do not get hit on the boss. -Boss Fight: Beat the boss. -Dethroner: Destroy the monument on the bottom with the tornado. -Redeemed: Mash through catapult scene. -Pilot: Fly the quadcopter through the big donut. -Escape: With the quadcopter, follow the chain up and fly next to Trash King. -Nerd: Look at the key in the Trashopedia. (from what I've heard you do not need every item for this achievement to pop up) I just think this is a really fun way to see part of the game that is rarely seen, such as the Game Over cutscene and the Vault. Hope you take it into consideration.

BurnXOutXBright, ripWSB e 3 Altri ti piace questo
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I would attempt to run this category on PC.

United States

You're able to run it regardless of it being on the leaderboard so feel free to give it a go.

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