steam/steamapps/common/Don't Starve Together/data/databundles/scripts/scripts/worldgen_main
Copy that file out of the zipped folder then open with any text editor.
You'll see this line:
--SEED = 1568654163 -- Force roads test level 3
Delete the "--" of the line and change the numbers to the seed you want to use.
After changing the file save and copy and paste it back into the original folder.
If a run is short enough you can also use rollback to reset the world to start of day 1 on the same seed and show world settings after in the video (this is faster for quick resets).
Due to request from the community, the rules regarding pausing have been updated to be more strict while also being more explicit about what is or isn't allowed. These changes are now in effect and can be viewed in the game rules. These changes include explicitly defining for what purposes pausing/q