Possible use of Turbo
6 years ago
California, USA

Hey @Dasote ! Your DMD run is superb, but your shooting speed leads me to believe you're using a Turbo setting on your controller. It's most noticeable in missions 12, 13, and Mundus Phase 1. The only way to shoot that quickly is by pressing multiple keys on a keyboard. The speed in which you're shooting also seems to be frame perfect, as I cannot accurately mimic it. It also seems like you're using a controller, based on the range of directional input you have. Please join our Discord so we can clear this up.

Fukushima, Japan

Certainly at M11, I used a keyboard on Griffon and hit a series. But everything else is manual by dual shock 4. I want you to believe. Phase 1 of Mundus was also hit repeatedly on the floor and I could not avoid the attack. If you can not use the keyboard please discard this record

Machine translation, sorry


Hi @Dasote, awesome run (lucky on Nightmares) but, I can't believe the shouting rate you get with only your human hand, I alredy experimented turbo to determine a max speed, and what I see in Mundus fight can only be done at at least 30 inputs per seconds, so, in my opinion, this run can't be validated, and next time, use either a hand cam, or a key visualizer.

Fukushima, Japan

I will try again. Thank you

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