Large General Post On First Experiences
5 years ago
United States

Page thoughts:

  1. It would be nice to see some rules added for the runs. Such as, what would count as glitchless compared to with glitches since there is no discussion of what counts as a glitch yet? I also think timing should start on selecting Yes to starting over, and include the story clicking as part of the run as its easier to manage/more accurate. Unless someone makes an auto splitter or something.

  2. Other categories I have ideas for would be a full library run? I dont remember if you need to beat the game to get a full library but if it works out this could be fun. A 100% run would be interesting, though maybe it would be different than AA (all achievements run) so could have that too.

In-game Finds:

  1. Movement I found some interesting things. It is very inconsistent but, sometimes you can get sprint jumps backwards without sprinting. Also, jumping backwards goes farther than jumping forwards. As for speed, I feel backwards in general, is a bit faster not sure though. You can also get bumped by jumping into slants you can't jump up or bumped backwards walking backwards over small items.

  2. You can jump on spears you through into walls, and can get 2 spears, There is a lot of fast manoeuvring over things to traverse places.

  3. Spear and Club seem to get everything done. Can farm gold quite easily, resetting to chamber reloads jars. Also, resetting to chamber always loads last entered area, unless you quit out, then it resets to the middle.

  4. I found that reloading to chamber on new game start skips the whole beginning and spawns you outside the pool with a torch, saving time. I also confirmed that torch key skip works still.

Would be cool to talk about the game, its still really fun to play.

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