Goin quackers European version
6 years ago

I have goin quackers European version quack attack and i was wondering is it faster or slower than the American version and could i run it as the same game as the goin quackers


You mentioned a PS2 on reddit, so I'm assuming we're talking about that version...

I'm not actually at all familiar with the PS2 version, but I have the PAL PSN download on PS3. I did a quick run of the first level, comparing it to arichardson9524's run, and it seemed to be running at the same speed, so it doesn't have the usual 17% speed drop at least. There could be some less apparent changes however - different physics, different load times, and such.

Modificato da l'autore 6 years ago

Exactly I don't know which version of the game you're trying to refer but usually PAL games are slower than NTSC, few game slike Crash Bandicoot 2 are an exception. What you can do is to do a run as a test to see if the PAL release is slower or faster than NTSC since not so many people run the game. Recently N64 version got more activity and people discovered some stuff on consoles that doesn't happens on emu

If you can do the test run we're gonna be glad with you

California, USA

if you need a comparison to ntsc I can send a run or two on n64, pc or ps2. usually with older pal games they run slower but I havent seen this yet with quackers

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