Allowed emulator(s)?
2 years ago
United States
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago


I am not sure if I saw or not if the emulator category/section had an approved emulator for the game. I play the PS2 version and typically play on PCSX2 (1.6.0 at the moment to be precise) and was wondering if that was allowed, or if there are others that are better that are allowed? It's been a while and I'm out of the loop with the PS2 emulation scene, so I thought I'd ask. This is one of my favorite DBZ games and I'd love to have the proper info and tools.


Hey, PCSX2 is allowed! Sorry for the late response lol.

Dolphin is probably better since it has slightly better performance, but PCSX2 works great and is how I started running the game. It's also probably the best PS2 emulator lol. Just check out the brief rules - there really isn't much to worry about.

xddbzfan869 piace questo

is dolphin allowed?

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