Salva: hacked apk
hacked apk
Aggiornato 3 years ago di timeflow

a hacked version of the latest dan the man version that gives you premium and all the costumes for free, as well as barry and over a million coins.

can be used for runs, but will only work if you sacrifice your own save data.

must be on android, otherwise the app will not install.

this app can only be updated by installing new versions of this hack specifically from

to play normally you need to uninstall and then either get the normal version from the google play store.

Statistiche del gioco
Ultime notizie
Timing system overhaul

Dan the Man has been famously terrible to speedrun at top level, in part because loading times are inconsistent across devices (better devices will load faster and give a free advantage), and because if you really want to be at the top you have no choice but to get premium (either by buying it which

2 years ago
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