Add DLC levels
11 days ago
Śląskie, Poland

Hey there,

We recently converted (fully restored) DLC levels from the XBOX 360 version and brought them on PC. It would be nice if you would make a leaderboard for them as well, since they all are made by Techland.

Here's the original footage of XBOX 360 DLC:

I honestly wouldn't place Duel Challenge from X360 that we also converted, because it needs to be checked if it's indentical to the real game.

Here's the full port by WuA (with fixed textures and stuff added from X360)

If you want, you can consider adding it

  • I provided the XBOX 360 files

  • WuA (the map editor master) made it work on PC

Śląskie, Poland

Only inconsistencies are:

  • Skins of the main character (couldn't change the skin on ChromED Editor because it just not possible adding different skins, instead its a default MP skin)

  • Some bushes are missing, but I think it's more to optimize the game to run on PC

Statistiche del gioco
Giocate recenti
Livello: Episode II
Livello: Episode I
Livello: Episode X
Livello: Episode XV
Livello: Episode XIV
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Pubblicato 11 days ago
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Pubblicato 3 years ago
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