8 years ago
United States

Overlooking the wikia for the missions, I've noticed there's multiple choices on some of them. My current predicament makes it difficult for me to check in game to see if there's differences based on the arrow selected. If someone could list the variations to each mission, it'd be a great help.

http://planetcnc.gamespy.com/static2e35.html?page=TiberianDawnMaps You can see all the variations of levels on this list of maps. GDI mission 5eb is unreachable in official versions, but I don't remember if the 1.06c patch makes a change. http://planetcnc.gamespy.com/static7d53.html?page=ramaps There is one for Red Alert as well.

ROMaster2 piace questo
United States

Thanks a bunch for that; I added the variations to the mission leaderboard. I'll keep 5eb on there for now for completion sake which I believe is GDI 05b: Repair the GDI Base (Germany, South). Anyone correct me if I'm wrong.

It might be necessary to specify the rule for GDI missions 6 and 7.

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