I ran into a glitch in silver wasteland that could save some time
5 months ago
Ohio, USA

I dont know what happened it just did

Ohio, USA

never mind I found out that when you are sliding if you just spam dash up ward at the perfect time

Modificato da l'autore 5 months ago
Ohio, USA

wait I figured it out if you dash up right here it will clip you through the wall

keiron01 piace questo
Michigan, USA

You need to do a crouch fullhop, and this is called a cosclip (short for costume clip). If Chirpy's hitbox is thin enough, he can clip through some solid collision with a dash, usually a ceiling. And yes, this has been found before, it was just never easy enough or worth it enough to go for in runs. If you want to discuss it elsewhere, this game has a discord server!

Greater Manchester, England

HOLY MOLY i've been looking for a consistent way to clip through that ceiling. it's something to do with chirpy crouching while dashing

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