VODs not showing full attempt
9 months ago
United States

I notice quite a few high score runs getting accepted but they don't show the whole attempt; they just show the end result. The rules state no screenshot but without seeing the whole attempt, you miss a lot of how it got to that point - even if it's just the gnome floating in the space. I think VODs/records should show the whole attempt.

Funado, Puperror, e WeakerYouth ti piace questo
Gelderland, Netherlands

Yes, i've previously denied runs that only showed the end of the run, but during the time i was inactive I saw runs being accepted that only showed the end, so i ended up accepting these runs too. I didnt really think about it at the time.

I do agree runs should show the entire process to be considered legitimate, and ill also forward this to funado.

Edit: We've now added the general rule of being required to show the full gameplay in all categories. We've also removed all runs that don't follow that rule.

If we missed any feel free to message me or funado about it.

Modificato da l'autore 9 months ago
sYn, WeakerYouth, e Funado ti piace questo
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