1 year ago
United States

what is the yellow number on the top left of the screen in the practice mod that bay or may not be SoB and also what does SoB stand for

United States

Hello! The yellow number is the time of your fastest completion of a level in frames. (The game runs at 30fps so if it says 60, for example, that means you beat the level in 2 seconds on your fastest attempt)

SoB stands from Sum of Best, which gives you a hypothetical 'best possible time' if you strung all of your best times from each level into one run. (It adds up all of your yellow numbers)

Hope this helps!

nitepony, Tangent5813 e 3 Altri ti piace questo
United States


Cxerizo piace questo
United States

also congrats on beating the all balloons twice 100% wr

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
Chicago, IL, USA


I took that personally btw.

nitepony piace questo
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