Adding highscore for events
4 years ago
Hyogo, Japan

Hi !

Is it possible to add highscore leaderboards for the individual sports?

There's a lot of people that would like to post this for Flying Disk. Thank you !

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Theres "alot?" I wouldn't have thought that many were interested, but it would give me a reason to actually get good at the game not just wr with fastest way to die lol. Even so i'm sorta still new to this site so I've never seen a leaderboard that isn't time based. You could add a point requirement for each sport but a score based board instead of a time based one seems to contradict the idea of "speedrun." I am glad that people care about this game though. It is a funny game.

Kentucky, USA

I can say that a score board would be good for this game. NWChampionship does it as well.

If you wanted to create an alternate goal that uses score but is still time based, it could be "high score %" -- you must get a high score for each board.

RayquazaKingdom, aaron2u2, e thaMANSTA ti piace questo
Nova Scotia, Canada

High Score in all Events would make sense for this game, that's what I considered "beat"

RayquazaKingdom piace questo
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