5 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

Forgive me if this seems like a stupid question but I am interested in joining the speed running community and starting on this game. Is there a specific version of the game that is used?


United States

We just use the steam version with columbias finest dlc typically for sugar rush and or fleet feet. Other part is just installing HRH mod if you want to run any% with it for that no rng reset. I recommend joining the discord in the left sidebar and you will get some quick responses there on anything else.

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New Category!

Happy to announce that we finally made No Major Glitches category for BSI :)

It requires completing a few objectives and bans main fps-heavy glitches we do in Any% to maintain the same philosophy as No Major Skips category does in BS 1 & 2.

Go check it out here:

7 months ago
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