ArKaine's notes
5 years ago
United Kingdom

graveyard: Restart level once so you start with swapper equiped glitch: downleft & swap upleft, use early pad jumps maggie: spiral counterclockwise, jump high by ice tree to avoid robot, swap downleft straight after Arena: RESTART LEVEL, fight, after hug right wall for teleporter Jack cave: swaps -> Eve -> run it & FastForward Safe House: fast forward immediately, after lore wait by exit Act 2, Lava: Right, drop after 2 little platforms, swap thru floor, swap downright to end Tree: Left, swap down thru floor, down, right lots of swaps Cave: (EARLY downright SWAP) up far on pads, after framedrop right, up, left

Jeff1/Spooky: jump on right platform, BIG SWAP down right, down into pit, right at sign, down, left, swap jeff, FF ->continued-> down spiral counterclockwise, follow path, up the blocks (ABUSE FF & UPWARD DASH), fall, right

Jeff2/Maze: right & FF, morning-> right, take big jump, copy normally, take big jump, skip woof woof ->continued->Bayou->LEFT WALL SKIP, rest normally, SKIP GREY NPC THRU WALL

Jeff3/Anger: SKIP to outside level on the left, skip back into the level bit further downleft, skip as much as possible, UP AND LEFT AT END

Time/outsidecore: jump wall & right, FF, Sad/Graphicscore: go to control room Update: swaps CAREFULLY (maybe up thru wall), don't get SWARMED, after up a lot go right, not left & up! Boss: Swaps, kill boss (shotgun?), go into core RELOAD GAME Act 3: Menu: FF Kay: FF and relax a bit, after-> right, tutorial, aim right and spam swap Court: Memes Dark Room: FF, in room->LEFT SKIP THRU WALL Teamwork: be as risky as you feel like being Ugly: SWAP RIGHT, right, up pads left, up, right pads, swap over the bridge The Well: abuse enemy section with swaps, long jump & dash to clear pit before red floor button Water: swap through right wall at start & cross fingers for more epic swaps Nothing & Something: FF, take a nap or something Entrance: SKIP JEFF DIALOGUE, move along, enjoy da funk wall Puzzles: A few swaps to neutrals, minimise button presses & use jumps/dashes where possible Starfighter: shoot enemy bullets rather than enemies themselves (slight delay on each kill) Isak Boss: DIE TWICE then kill him Act 4 Intro & Factory & Elevator: FF & relax WWW: DONT MOVE AT START, swap WWW to skip dialogue Act 5 Loop: try not to die to insta-kill lasers, no need to do second orb part, can skip thru box to enemy on left, AT END OF MAZE AIM RIGHT AND SWAP CORE ASAP -> RESTART LEVEL ON LOOP SECTION Blackness: FF Full badass: enjoy, kill as much as possible to avoid framerate issues Boss: FF as much of dialogue as possible but careful when he lasers. FF "IT IS NOT REAL" Pat yourself on the back

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