Invincible Orange glitch in Bomb it 2
2 years ago

I found this during a Weapons Only run. Orange seems to be completely invincible during this course. He grabs two stars in quick succession right at the start. The second one seems to turn him back to normal for some reason. Then he gets run over by the cart several times, steps on mines, gets hit by hammers, shot with lasers and burned by flamethrowers, all to no avail. It's like the star invincibility stayed on, but not the rainbow colours or the insta-kill ability.

SilentYES piace questo

Might be due to the double star pick up and something glitching up, interesting tho

skip10 piace questo

Ok, so apparently it's not the double star. Same thing happened here with only one star:

SilentYES piace questo
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

blue is just like: oh hey, i'm invincible! proceeds to avoid the bombs

skip10 e israrcool22 ti piace questo
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