FPS capping to 60
7 years ago

It seems that a lot of drama has came into the small blameless leader boards recently, but, i don't think it is fair that LoveBot has such a huge advantage, no, he is not a cheater but no one can beat him because most people have a 60hz refresh rate as he has 144hz refresh rate. So, I'm asking gyro the current mod to set the glitchless% category to 60 fps capped otherwise you can't submit. That makes the leaderboards more fair.

Brongle, GameguySD e 2 Altri ti piace questo
Leicestershire, England

Agreed. but depends on peoples views.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
New Brunswick, Canada

I agree with ZeldaCrasher here. While the rules rely only on vsync status, this rule fails to recognize runners who have refresh rates higher than 60hz. This will lead to a hardware race and will result in a bias towards equipment over skill. Coming from a game where anything other than 60fps causes serious physics changes and speed advantages, it is hardly a question to level the playing field for anyone who wishes to participate.


Brongle, Kevbot43 e 2 Altri ti piace questo
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