Category Requests
7 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Can we use this thread for category requests? If so, here are my requests:

  1. Extended Cheat%

Legal cheats: 3000 shiny objects Bubble bowl Cruise Bubble Faster Cruise bubble 10 golden spatulas (just get 80)

All other cheats are illegal.

Mission: Collect all golden spatulas.

  1. Glitchless Cheat%

All cheats are legal!

All glitches (including OoB) are banned!

Mission: Complete the game without glitches. So you must go through all 3 boss fights.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Can mods please check this thread.

Friesland, Netherlands

Extended cheat% sounds like its 200% but with shiny grinding, so there's no reason to add it. Glitchless cheat% is just beating bosses but with powerups which is what people think is the most boring thing to do, so I doubt anyone wants to play that. If there's at least 3 different runners for it we can add it though.

Pennsylvania, USA

Could we add Sock%? i am hoping to run it soon.

Pennsylvania, USA

Or maybe boss% beat all three bosses (spatula cheat so you can skip levels) And for Sock% use the spatula cheat 8 times and use bubble bowl and bubble missle cheats once (you can also disable hans if you want)

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

SpongeBob SpeedPants boss% is cheat% without glitches.


Gamdin are u silly of course there is glitches

  1. cruise boosting
  2. disabling hans
  3. boss skip

Im sorry grape i saw ur icon and called u gamdin whoops

New Jersey, USA
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Any% glitchless? Could that be a thing?

Pennsylvania, USA

still though what about Sock%

Pennsylvania, USA

this will be tough :(

Tennessee, USA

How about we run a real category like any% or robo-sandy RTA :)

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Then submit it to the original leaderboard -_-



South Carolina, USA

Heya, Howzabout we add things like Mermaid Man Cheat% and Reverse Any%! Kappa

New Jersey, USA
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Reverse Boss Order anyone? Kappa


RBO wouldn't work since you need bubble bowl to beat Robo Pat (or great rng manip skills) and you need Cruise Bubble and/or Bubble Bowl to beat final boss unfortunately

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
Friesland, Netherlands

You can beat robo pat with only swipe, but you need bubble bowl for Robo Sponge phase 2, since you can't L-clip and the holes close if you hit the fuses so you need a ranged attack.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
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