Should I make a guide?
8 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

My current WR is 3 years old and can be beaten by at least 3 minutes. All the runs on the leaderboards including mine use some incorrect strats that lose time, and I know they could all be optimized if a guide existed. I'm sure 55:xx is possible.

I would love to watch through all the runs again and compile a guide with all the best strats and get back into running the game myself, but I need an incentive, like someone else having the WR. So making a guide would be a win/win situation if it helped someone get a record time, however I would need to make sure enough people would actually use it for it to be worth it, since the community is quite small.

So if a guide would be useful to you, make a quick comment here, and if enough people want it i'll get to it. Cheers

Modificato da l'autore 8 years ago
Cpt.Agman piace questo
California, USA

As someone who has busted their ass to create a comprehensive tutorial, I would advise you to not bite off too much. As a person who has done many 12 hour challenges, I can say one of the most lacking tools available to new runners is basic information and route.

There are tons of things that more experienced runners do without even thinking about it. It is just so ingrained or "obvious" that they go unmentioned. Things like input cheats, general rationalization of when to do what, fastest movement forms under circumstances, etc.

I would think a good initial goal would be to accomplish 3 things.

  1. Discuss basic movement and combat techniques. Explain how to do the techniques and when they should be adjusted on a fundamental level.

  2. Discuss the main objectives to accomplish in each level and show the current route. Can things be altered? Are there comparable routing strategies?

  3. Provide more specific techniques/quirks and give them context. Examples would be not causing slowdown using the Flare Gun in the original Alan Wake.

California, USA

I would also suggest segmenting this content into easily digestible chunks. If you are doing videos, aim for no longer than 15 mins for each one. This makes it much easier to find what you need to refresh on. It also makes it much easier to re-record if something crazy is found.

One of the biggest reasons people hate watching/reading tutorials/guides is, quite frankly, most are terrible. Most video tutorials are just the person playing the game and giving commentary in the moment rather than discussing the game at large; teach the person to think about what is available.

Modificato da l'autore 8 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

Solid advice, definitely agree that lack of information, especially the basics, is a big problem among tutorials. The good thing about not having played in 3 years is I'll basically be re-experiencing what it's like to speedrun the game for the first time, so it should be easy to put myself in the shoes of someone trying to learn the game. I can't even remember some of the basics myself, like for example how long to run then how many times to jump while regaining stamina to maintain max speed, so I should be able to include everything from A-Z as I re-learn and optimize them.

You're very right when you say a lot of ingrained seemingly 'obvious' things (not obvious to rookies) go unmentioned, it made me realize how easily I could've overlooked explaining the basics of combat that are ingrained in me since I've got heaps of experience in other fps games and a lot of external experience in specifically this style of combat that most people probably don't - ranged vs melee combat. Exploiting your range advantage, positioning yourself away from enemies, moving away from the nearest enemy while prioritizing them etc. seems obvious but probably isn't to most. Will have to remember that.

Agree with that 3-step plan - A couple of videos on all the fundamentals, movement, basic tricks and strategies, item conservation/utilization, overall combat strategy etc. Then 9 videos, one for each chapter and everything in it. Specific quirks will probably be shown along the way but it depends how many there are and how often they appear, perhaps some deserve their own video. But off the top of my head, I can't remember this game having any specific tricks that take a long time to explain/practice.

Thanks a lot for the veteran tips Turbo, some sage advice there!

Modificato da l'autore 8 years ago

Oh boy, am i late for this D:

Yeah, any kind of guide would be very great and useful, because i still can't really understand some (basic) mechanics in this game and get an actual sub hour. :V

Modificato da l'autore 8 years ago

Considering to start to run this game so a proper tutorial would be greatly appreciated!

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