You can get out of bounds in the blue cliffs dungeon by jumping past a door tile. It doesn't use the wiggle glitch, but it should still be banned in glitchless.
Edit: the rules have been updated.
If you jump through the staircase adjacent to the wall in the same dungeon, you end up in his arena without having to do the full dungeon. What's the stance on this for glitchless? Same process as what you mentioned here, but you don't go OoB at any point.
Is this the place you're talking about?
That's the place I'm saying shouldn't be allowed.
Oh! I didn't know about that one.
Hm... I dunno. What do you think? Do you think that counts as a glitch? Do you think it's more interesting to include it or to ban it? Do you think it's more consistent to include it or ban it? I really don't know how to answer those questions.
It's definitely a grey area, seeing as it doesn't take you out of bounds or place you in a block at any point, but it is clearly unintended behavior. Of note is that this does skip card 28, so if this was allowed and incorporated into the route you would need to get whatever card you're currently skipping over. Would that be faster, do you think?