Invalid Runs
4 years ago
United States

I'm the current top time for the NG+ Shizuku True Ending route in all difficulty levels. A new runner reached out to me on Discord to discuss this game. They noticed they had nearly identical combat times as me (in Easy difficulty) but their run time was 12 minutes slower. I investigated by comparing our run videos and I found my cut scenes were progressing significantly faster than his.

I reinstalled the game on my new laptop to investigate further and I found I couldn't replicate how fast my cut scenes were progressing. I pulled out my old laptop that still had the game installed and discovered that before I started speedrunning the game, I had installed a mod called "Akiba Interceptor" that allows you to increase the game's frame rate. The mod author did make sure combat speed stays the same when you increase the FPS, but cut scenes and menus do run much faster. I confirmed my FPS was set to 60 instead of 30 on my old laptop, thus invalidating all my current record runs.

On that note, I examined the current top 3 runs in the Easy difficulty of the NG+ Shizuku True Ending route. I found myself and the current #2 runner (DaRabidDuckie) were both playing at 60 FPS instead of 30. The current #1 runner should be darksoda based on what I've found. I'm sure DaRabidDuckie didn't intentionally boost his FPS to gain an unfair advantage, he probably made the same mistake I did and just didn't realize he was playing with an advantage.

I've gathered some information I'd like to share to prove how FPS impacts game speed and how to definitively tell who is playing at a higher frame rate.

I played the opening sequence of the game optimally at both 30 and 60 FPS up to when Nanashi opens the cell phone after the first battle. I was able to confirm combat speed is unaffected by the FPS change, but cut scenes definitely are.

Since combat sequences are unaffected, I removed them from each run at the same point so the cut scene difference can be observed clearly.

This video shows the fastest these opening cut scene sequences can be done at 30 and 60 FPS:

As you can see, at 30 FPS these cut scenes took 1:29 whereas at 60 FPS they took only 0:51. This explains why my run was 12 minutes faster than the person who contacted me on Discord, even though our combat performances were nearly identical.

This video compares these same cut scene sequences from the current top 3 runs (myself, DaRabidDuckie, and darksoda):|

As you can see, myself and DaRabidDuckie have cut scene times indicating we are both playing at 60 FPS. You can't progress these cut scenes this fast at 30 FPS through any manner of button mashing. The run by darksoda, however, is clearly occurring at the expected time for 30 FPS.

This video compares the current top 3 runs fighting the opening battle:

As you can see, FPS doesn't impact combat time in any noticeable manner, as darksoda was able to beat the same battle only 1 second slower than me but 8 seconds faster than DaRabidDuckie (who was playing at a higher FPS).

Based on this information, it's clear that both mine and DaRabidDuckie's runs are invalid. I've already deleted my runs for the other difficulties in the NG+ Shizuku True Ending route but I've left my Easy difficulty run in place for the time being so the mods can confirm my proof videos above are using that same playthrough.

MODS: please delete my Easy difficulty run when you are done confirming which runs are valid and which ones aren't. From what I've gathered, the current #1 time should belong to darksoda, as I've confirmed his is the fastest at 30 FPS. Both my run and DaRabidDuckie's runs should be removed.

Moving forward, I have some rule suggestions that would improve speedrunning this game: -For future PC runs, either on-screen FPS should be displayed, or mods should pay attention to how fast players are reaching the opening battle. At 30 FPS, it is not possible to start attacking enemies during the first battle before the 40 to 45 second mark. Any run where people are attacking enemies in the first battle before the 40 second mark is playing at a higher frame rate. -For future PS4 runs, the cooperative Twitch commands should be banned. These are cooperative in nature and not part of the expected solo playthrough. Banning these Twitch commands will put PS4 and PC runs on even ground and could encourage more people to run this game.

I apologize for submitting invalid runs and can assure everyone it was an accident. I'd like to thank Heartlessedly on Discord for reaching out to me, as his questions about how to play faster got me digging deeper into all of this.

I fully intend to pick this game back up and submit legitimate 30 FPS runs. Regardless of what the mods decide for future rules, I will make sure that any PC runs I submit use an on-screen FPS counter, so it's clear there's no funny business.

RabidDuckie e coyotl ti piace questo
Wisconsin, USA

That is some very impressive detective work by gravest0rm, and I'd also like to thank Heartlessedly for revitalizing interest in the game, especially my own.

This was the first game I'd ever done a speedrun for, and I only did it because I was streaming it on Twitch and my viewers suggested I do so. I already had the mod installed at the time and wouldn't have thought for a second that it gave me an advantage, so I submitted the run. When I'd gotten a notification that my run had been beaten a year after I'd submitted it I'd already uninstalled the game (and Akiba Interceptor), and when I tried again it would have been off of a fresh install. I quickly stopped trying and gave up on the game in frustration after I couldn't even beat my own times, and this makes perfect sense now as to why I couldn't -- no mod = crappy times. I'd completely forgotten Akiba Interceptor was a thing, and only just now remembered it when I read the installation guide for it online after reading this thread. It's so goofy that the devs would time things like button presses and menu speeds to FPS, but in hindsight this makes a lot of sense to me now.

I do want to apologize, I wouldn't have submitted the run had I thought for a second that it was invalid. I agree about invalidating runs using 60FPS and have already removed my run.

Either way, it's time to get back in there and start killing my forearms again.

gamersquirt piace questo
United States

I actually forgot how fun this game was and am pretty excited to get back into it.

Super moderatorePrinroze
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Holy hell, that is some insane work and super informative, thank you very much for pointing this out! I'll try and keep a better eye out for future submissions and make sure to edit the rules a bit too just to help point it out!

Mistakes happen ofc so dw about it, hopefully this will remind others in case they forgot about the mod too just in case.

gamersquirt e RabidDuckie ti piace questo
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