New World Record!
2421 frames, 40.35 seconds -- timed off first frame of control (character on screen) and first frame of black (one frame after character disappears). Ahead of koffing's time by .78!
Current record listed by koffingrockz is listed at 40 seconds, but is actually 2468 frames -- 41.13 seconds -- based off first frame of control (character on screen) and first frame of black (one frame after character disappeared).
Played this for about half an hour at the request of neLukas, who introduced me to this horrible, horrible collection of games. Thanks, Lukas!
Used FCEUX 2.4.1a
[[ Mod Note: Retimed on 2023/11/05 from 40s 350ms to 40s 300ms ]]
This is a short post for visibility. Two new moderators have been added to the board: zarc0nis and me. We're going to take over all responsibilities for maintaining the Action 52 (NES) leaderboard.
We are currently going through all existing runs and retiming them and adding millisecond pre