Could We Have Bag Craft Speedruns? (Grass, Regular, Hoarder)
1 year ago
United States

A speedrun to craft a hoarder bag or a regular bag or a grass bag. I think two categories for each bag could be used. Craft% (just seeing how long it takes to craft a bag) Resource&Craft% (Getting the resources to make a bag and craft it from scratch, this includes the recipe, and materials to make the bag. I would assume you would start in a completely brand new world) Do you guys think this would be a good idea?

TheyCallMeSxlty e Tokiichillin ti piace questo
United States

I also think it would be a good ides if we could also have Pc and Quest categories as well as a rule to be on a completely new server with everything reset (buildings, bridges, etc). I also think it would be a good idea with this if we could also have duo% trio% quad%, and maybe even up to 8 players?

This sounds like a great idea! I would love to see this one day.

United States

Ye! I kinda want to know what the mods think about since they are the only ones who can add categories

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
Maryland, USA

You could speed run every bag in the game

Florida, USA

Hey Dukelover234!

Currently Bag% is the least participated of all the categories we have currently. Hoarders Bag Speedruns will never be a thing here, the main reason being the time to make one is easily over an hour. That would be a nightmare to moderate. Users upon wiping a world typically start with a grass bag so that would be more or less pointless. As of now, leather bag runs are the only category we intend to have. But if Bag% yields popularity, it can be negotiated! :)

voidofname - Community Manager

Modificato da l'autore 11 months ago

voidofname hoarderbag speedruns do take a bit but its based on wyrm luck so if you get 3 big rolls on your first 3 wyrms it could be around 10minutes