About Category Rules for "Seeing Stars 100%"
3 months ago

Hi, moderators.

I have a question about the category rule for "Seeing Stars 100%". The category rule states "Timer ends when your cursor disappears after you find the final cat in the final level (Kitty March)." However, as shown in the following video, there is no timing when your cursor disappears after you find the final cat. Therefore, as with "Seeing Stars Any%", I suggest that timer ends when you find the final cat and the cursor turns gray.

United States


Yep, the cursor does not disappear for that level. I agree with your suggestion on when timing stops, so we're going to change the rules when you click on the final cat (and the cursor turning back gray). Thanks for notifying us about it!


Thank you very much!

By the way, I checked the revised rules and I think you may have misspelled "gray" as "fray".

United States

Whoops! Welp, I'll go and fix that!

RiKyu piace questo
Illinois, USA

oh oops! When i was setting up the rules, i guess i didn't realize i forgot to change the wording for 100%! I did for every other category but not 100%. My bad

RiKyu piace questo