We are allowing people to submit IL runs, without recording the Replay
Barcelona, Catalonia

@Fil0Nerd @Xynto @FrostySR @Seba.exe1 @Mariosonic @JenteJ @Rual @RayquazaDaGreat @jag2791 @Golden_Scorpion @FaeOnetta @HIKARU @Nitro611 @DontEvenAskWhy @SebySonic34 @HollyAssasin @Rafft @Ultimategamer32

All of you have submitted records to the IL (Level Runs, Events) which happened to be in images, or videos lacking a replay, or videos showing the "Record Log". Your runs were rejected previously because the Rules state that all submissions must show Video Proof (a full Replay or the Gameplay).

Remy and I have decided that everybody can submit records without video, since we understand lots of people do not play anymore, but holded runs they were proud of, so long you follow these few requirements:

  1. You have to show that you are using a real cartridge of the game, and not a Pirate Card, in 1 single unedited video (you show your record, then you extract the cartridge and show it).

  2. Emulator is not allowed. Pirate Cards are not allowed.

  3. Your submissions cannot claim first place with this method, to prevent Action Replay. All 1st Places must submit a typical video, following the standard procedure.

This will be allowed from now on, in the way it is descripted here.

Todos vosotros habeis colgado records en la categoría de 'Level Runs', o sea, en los eventos. Lo habeis hecho con imagenes, videos sin la Replay ni el Gameplay, o grabando el listado de records que la DS registra. Las normas dicen que todos los records en eventos deben venir con una grabación en video del Gameplay o la Replay, por eso fueron rechazados. Yo y Remy estuvimos hablándolo, y hemos decidido permitir subir records de esta otra forma, porque sabemos que mucha gente quiere subir su record hecho hace años. Sin embargo, deberéis seguir las 3 normas siguientes:

  1. Después de grabar vuestra puntuación o tiempo, deberéis extraer la tarjeta y enseñar que es una tarjeta real, y no una tarjeta pirata. Grabadlo todo en 1 mismo video, no en partes.

  2. No se permiten emuladores, no se permiten Tarjetas Piratas.

  3. Sin importar qué record dices que tienes, no te dejamos subir records que estén en primer lugar. Cualquier Miguel me puede hacer trampas, incluso en una tarjeta real, y decir que es el Rey del mundo, además queremos mantener un estándart de calidad. Los récords de Eventos que reclamen el primer lugar deberán enviarse siguiendo las normas típicas, grabar el Gameplay o la Replay de tu consola.

Esto será la norma a partir de ahora.

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
RemyMS e MarkuzZz ti piace questo
Statistiche del gioco
Ultime notizie
Tournament and Verifiers

hey guys, Remy and I have been talking and we want to add a few Verifier moderators. Because activity is still reasonable for us to handle, but a tournament is coming soon. Verifier moderators essentially verify runs and don't generally have any more abilities. So just read the rules and watch runs.

4 months ago
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