Discussion of categories and rules
1 year ago

I have set up the initial version of all categories, subcategories and rules.

Currently it has All Stages(Any%, 3 Stars) of 5 game modes, and Rank-Up Changllenge(Easy, Normal, Hard) of 5 game modes + Mixed Challenge.

I will do sample runs for each category when I have the time.

Feel free to comment if you have any question or suggestion, hope we could make it better.

grntsz, Oh_my_gourdness e 2 Altri ti piace questo
New York, USA

As silly as it might sound, I think we should have ILs. Though some will be just about mashing, I actually found it challenging to even optimize levels like the first Pin Pull one (kept getting 1.7X or higher but eventually got 1.69). There will definitely be tied WRs, but I think it would be a goofy fun challenge for a lot of people. Hell, I’ve moderated similarly silly ILs before and would do so here if I was welcome to and needed.

grntsz, Oh_my_gourdness, e KyuQAQ ti piace questo
New York, USA

One idea that might have more ground to stand on (though I still think ILs would be good lol) would be things like all levels and/or all achievements.

grntsz, Oh_my_gourdness, e KyuQAQ ti piace questo

Hi TheLemonyBard, I have added you as the moderator for setting up ILs(I think you mean Level runs). Adding "Levels" is in my plan, but I haven't started doing that, because I don't perfer to do a single level run personally.

So it's really good to hear someone could help setting up that, thanks!

I will reply later for the idea for all levels and/or all achievements, because I have another thing need to do first.

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
TheLemonyBard piace questo

We could have "All Games(All Stages)" with no limit on the order of game modes, but I haven't try all other games modes so I could not measure how much time will it cost.

For all achievements, there are currently 11 achievements on PC version(Steam), 10 achievements for clear all stage 5 game modes and clear with 3 stars, they're already included in the created categories. The last one is "Earn a total of 1000000" coins, I think it's not a good idea to be a category now.

New York, USA

Ah, perhaps you're right to not put in the achievements, at least just yet. And yeah ILs stands for "individual levels." I'm going to be a bit busy this week, but when I can I'll add levels into the leaderboard!

KyuQAQ piace questo
New York, USA

Also, I think Rank-Up should just use IGT. As long as pausing isn't abused it's not an issue and makes timing easier, plus it makes it easier to record for players on Switch who don't have a capture card/were practicing without one and would have to use the console's capture to record each individual section of it. If it's suspicious then the monthly rankings could be checked so long as they haven't reset (they may also track them differently on Switch and PC, with their own ranks. Not sure tho).


I haven't bought the Switch version so I don't know if the ranking board is the same or not.

I use RTA for ranking because there are some ways could stop the IGT on the PC version:

  1. Press 'SPACE' key to open the retry dialog.
  2. When the failure animation is playing and then the retry dialog is opened.
  3. Press 'ALT + TAB' key to focus on other window, then the game is stopped.

I couldn't understand that there is any problem on that if a runner doesn't use a capture card to record the video? I think all runs require a video proof(maybe I need add this to the rule) and if they provide a video, we always could retime it to have RTA.

If we only use IGT, there might be a case e.g.: use any way to stop IGT and then spend much time on reviewing the solution of the current stage(challenge).

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago

Another thought of Rank-Up: maybe we could use IGT for ranking first, and still keep it have RTA. Once we found there are too much runs use lots pausing to get the best IGT, we could change it back to RTA ranking.

Update: it seems not possible to only choose IGT as the default timer(for ranking) for some categories, it affects all leaderboards.

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago

For Level Runs, maybe we could do the same thing like SuperTux - Levels, they sent the runs with N/A user for those levels are not applicable.

New York, USA

Yeah it’s okay if it’s not default, we can just ask to submit under IGT for those specific categories in the rules. We can disallow the use of any pausing beyond resetting, as many IGT games do.

The issue with the Switch is that it only records 30 seconds, so runners would have to record each section individually to guarantee the entire thing gets recorded, and it often has a small break of time in between each recording, making RTA very difficult to time. IGT for stuff like that is also just slightly easier to verify, but that’s just an added bonus.

We could do that for the levels if you want, though I’d also be fine with just leaving them blank when not applicable (an example of a game that does the same is the NES Remix series). I always thought the N/A thing seemed a bit cluttered if there were too many levels.


For Rank-Up Challenge, I'm considering if the failure pausing is acceptable or not. Because sometimes a runner might fail once and then still get a nice record, in this case they're not intended to pause the IGT. But "disallowing any pausing beyond resetting" might be a too strict restriction for doing a run, then I decided to use RTA for ranking at the start.

I think "it is basic requirement for a runner to provide a full recording video when they want to submit a run on this site". I don't think we will verify a run with a broken video if they don't use RTA timer in their video at the same time. I will add the rule "all runs require a complete video proof" in the game rule.

Agree that we could "just leave them blank for N/A levels", but I might try if there is any other settings could hide those unused levels.


I have renamed all levels with the prefix “Stage “, so it would be easier to enter a level’s leaderboard by clicking the level name.  And it seems that there is no other way to hide unused levels.

Also I added the rule “Any pausing while playing is not allowed.” for all level categories, because we only use IGT for ranking. And in the Game rule, I added the following description:

All runs require a complete video proof.

Please see Category rules for the detailed information of each category.

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago
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