We did a 100% run and we noticed several things for maybe playing in vanilla settings, we played with the tracker to have a better guide of what we have and what to do next (I do not know if it is forbidden to do that), there are the same cinematics for both in some places (something normal) and the same cinematics are repeated over and over again (as in water temple, the cinematic of raising the water is repeated) and at one point in the run, the upgrade of the deku sticks disappeared for no reason, it went back to 10 as maximum and at the end of all we had 99 skulltulas but we did not find which was the one we needed and we realized that we had the logo of the skulltulas in all the map and in a moment of the run without wanting I found the option to teleport to another player, we thought that the run would no longer be validated or if it is an option that could be used to teleport to another person (maybe in glitched it could be used and in glitchless not).
These are things that we noticed, maybe there are more bugs of this style and we think that maybe using the Randomizer settings will not happen these errors and if the prohibit / enable the use of teleport and use of tracker in the rule.
Myself and @Thieo also discovered several weird interactions when we initially planned on doing a run. Deku sticks running out, magic meters not matching up, cutscene dups, etc. From what we saw most of these interactions could be avoided if you follow this set up.
-Player 1 Gets Item (Example Magic 1)
-Player 2 Resets and loads again (This loads Player 1's Live Save that they are currently in)
Now it isn't fool proof yet, but you can also use this logic to skip major cut scenes like the Deku Tree Death x Kokiri Emerald.
You can use a tracker. There's not really a way for me to prove that you don't already have one pulled up on another monitor in it's windowed format and it doesn't make hardly any impact for concern.
Feel free to add me on discord. Same name. I'd like to talk about your routing and your overall run.