what is raid of the last mark and who created it?
2 months ago
New York City, NY, USA

is it just serious sam but its a scavenger hunt?


In 2018 42 Amsterdam community made modded servers for https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/showthread.php?t=2045&highlight=rocket+mania what they called Rocket Mania where people had to collect as many collectibles as they could find in each map of the classic games, and later they opened similar multiplayer servers for the open public which are still open and playable today with even a stats page for their servers https://42amsterdam.net/stats_page1.php (scroll down), Since its all hosted on a server there is ping which makes nearly impossible to collect some of the items. I with some help of other runners searched the server to find every collectible and created a single player copy of the TFE maps so people could speedrun without ping offline, as for TSE its a lot harder and I Couldnt find many of the collectibles in the server so I didnt want to make an incomplete or different version for TSE