Save file structure
Save file structure
Aggiornato 5 months ago di olus2000

The encryption key is "unbreakable" and you can decrypt and encrypt your save file with a free EasySave3 decoder. There is no compression so you should get a clean, readable json file.

On Windows you can find your save files under AppData/LocalLow/SoulGame/Minishoot/ Look online for how to locate your AppData folder.

The fields in the file are as follows:

  • justToCreateSaveFile (integer) - this is a dummy value, always zero. A save file has only this right after creation.
  • AccessibilityChanged (boolean) - whether the accessibility settings were enabled.
  • Difficulty (integer) - 0/1/2 correspond to Explorer/Original/Advanced difficulty.
  • DifficultyLowestChosen (integer) - the lowest difficulty ever used on this save file.
  • InfiniteEnergy (boolean) - the infinite energy accessibility setting.
  • Invincibility (boolean) - the invincibility accessibility setting.
  • GameSpeed (float) - the game speed accessibility setting.
  • CollectableFound ({Currency:integer}) - a dictionary describing the amount of collectables of a certain kind the player owns at that moment:
    • 0 - None - dummy value, always zero
    • 1 - SuperCrystal
    • 2 - Scarab
    • 3 - Lore
  • Crystalized (boolean) - TODO
  • CurrCheckpoint (string) - currently active checkpoint. Some notable values:
    • "OverworldCheckpoint0" - the overworld respawn in the town
    • "CaveCheckpoint0" - where you're spawned at the start of the game
    • TODO - document the rest
  • CurrLocation (string) - current "dimension" you're spawning in. Some notable values:
    • "Overworld"
    • "Cave" - shared across all the caves
    • TODO - document the rest
  • DungeonKeys ([integer]) - a list indicating how many keys you have collected and not used in each dungeon.
  • DungeonBossKeys ([integer]) - a list indicating how many boss keys you have collected and not used in each dungeon?
  • GameStats ({GameStatsId:float}) - a dictionary describing some statistics about the save:
    • 0 - PlayerDeath
    • 1 - Playtime - measured in seconds
    • 2 - ScarabCaught
    • 3 - CoconutDestroyed - lol yeah
    • 4 - EnemyDestroyed
    • 5 - Size3Destroyed - I'm not sure what a "Size3" is, probably some kind of enemy, TODO
  • Map ({MapRegion:MapRegionState}) - a dictionary describing what pieces of map have been collected and scanned. It uses two enums:
    • MapRegion:
      • 0 - Green - the strating area
      • 1 - Beach
      • 3 - Abyss
      • 4 - Forest
      • 5 - Desert
      • 6 - Swamp
      • 7 - SunkenCity
      • 8 - Junkyard
      • 9 - None - doesn't correspond to any map fragment in game
    • MapRegionState:
      • 0 - Locked
      • 1 - Unlocked
      • 2 - Scanned
  • Modules ({Modules:boolean}) - a dictionary describing which modules you have collected:
    • 0 - IdolBomb
    • 1 - IdolSlow
    • 2 - IdolAlly
    • 3 - BoostCost
    • 4 - XpGain
    • 5 - HpDrop
    • 6 - PrimordialCrystal
    • 7 - HearthCrystal
    • 8 - SpiritDash
    • 9 - BlueBullet
    • 10 - Overcharge
    • 11 - CollectableScan
    • 12 - Rage
    • 13 - Retaliation
    • 14 - FreePower
    • 15 - Compass
    • 16 - Teleport
  • Skills ({Skill:boolean}) - a dictionary describing which skills you have unlocked:
    • 0 - Supershot
    • 1 - Dash
    • 2 - Hover
    • 3 - Boost
  • StatsLevel ({Stats:integer}) - a dictionary describing how much you have upgraded your stats:
    • 0 - PowerAllyLevel
    • 2 - BoostSpeed
    • 3 - BulletNumber - level of your gun
    • 4 - BulletSpeed
    • 5 - _EmptyStatsSlot
    • 6 - PowerBombLevel
    • 7 - CriticChance
    • 8 - Energy - number of energy upgrades you have collected
    • 9 - FireRange
    • 10 - FireRate
    • 11 - Hp - number of heart pieces you have collected
    • 12 - MoveSpeed
    • 13 - Supershot
    • 14 - BulletDamage
    • 15 - PowerSlowLevel
  • StatsPoints (integer) - the amount of levels you have to spend on upgrades.
  • UniqueKeys ({KeyUse:boolean}) - which special keys you have collected and not used:
    • 0 - None - placeholder value, always 0
    • 1 - Normal - TODO
    • 2 - Boss - TODO
    • 3 - Scarab - the scarab key
    • 4 - Darker - the dark crystal
    • 5 - FinalBoss - the dark heart
  • Version (float) - the game's version, 1.021 as of this writing
  • XpTotal (int) - total experience collected on this save
  • WorldState ({string:boolean}) - a dictionary documenting events that happened or are yet to happen in the world, like breaking dark crystals or getting collectibles. There's way too many possibilities to document here.

TODO: more reasearch on WorldState.

Statistiche del gioco
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