Level Design
1 year ago
United States

If you guys could create level 12 what would it look like, what would the monster be, what do you have to do to beat it, and what would the shop cosmetic be?

Just a fun question to see how creative the community is.

ItzMonstroVR piace questo
United States

If I made level 12, I would make it in a forest kind of like level 8, but denser, darker, and the size of level 9. I would make the entity like a werewolf or something and have him very fast but limited vision and he can only see you if you are very close, which if he sees you he would chase you at a very high speed. I would also have mini entities lurking around to keep you moving and the goal would be to find 3 randomly generated switches on the backs of trees and get to the exit.

vaid6004 piace questo

im the reason why your mods on speedrun.com and k8 might give me a chance to prove myself i can be good as a moderator on this page

United States

ItzMonstroVR That's a good idea, i would make it so the werewolf is slow at the start but gets faster every switch you press


Talking about a big dark forest is reminding me of Slenderman, which tbh it would be cool to have a Slenderman themed level.

United States

What if you could design level 14

United States

since i forgot to ask about 13

Hey can someone make a page for Monkephobia?

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New Big Scary Speedrunning Rules (located in the "leaderboards" tab)

Recently, W1llipet and the other moderators have set up new rules for Big Scary as the old ones weren't the best and needed an update. Please read them as will be using them when verifying runs from this point forward.

Some rules are going to cause a couple changes with the leaderboard, such as lev

1 month ago
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