I am allowed to use multiple tabs for stopwatch and game?
1 year ago
Ontario, Canada

So I was reading the rules, and one of them said (And I quote) "Using multiple tabs is banned." But for my run I am going to be using a google stopwatch, on the browser, and I'm playing my game on an app. Even though it's two windows, that I will be displaying at the same time, is that allowed?

Basque Country

i would recommend you to look at something like livesplit (or others), but yea if you go with that is perfectly allowed; the multiple tabs rule essentialy refers to not being allowed to use multiple instances of the game at the same time

Ontario, Canada

ohh thanks!


livesplit's a bit frustrating to use since i don't think there's been an autosplitter made

New Zealand

Sadly, if you are on mac using livesplit is impossible.


livesplit one?


livesplit one isnt very good because it doesn't have global hotkeys

Ind​ianapolis, IN, USA
They/Them, It/Its
1 year ago

i cant use livesplit on chromebook

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