Unverifiable Runs
1 year ago
United States

There are currently two runs I've noticed where the video evidence of their existence has been erased from YouTube, besides the runs performed by the previous mod.

The first one is from 6 years ago and was a All 3 Worlds Round 1 run done by @phoronid. No reason was given for why it was removed.

The second one is from almost 2 years ago and was a Space World 1st Time run done by @Broosc. The video was too long and I guess their account wasn't verified.

Has anyone ever seen either of these runs? I want to verify them, but their runs are currently lost media. I have already contacted both users about this and am awaiting a response from them, but they both have not been online for a long time.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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Adding new Variable

This should've been done around a year ago and it's my bad for not realizing this might be an issue, even though this leaderboard has been largely inactive.

I added a variable that determines whether runs are skipless or not. Considering the most recent 100% run being much faster than skipless runs

7 months ago