7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Hello, I was thinking of speedrunning this game (once I finally grind out the upgrades) but was hoping to do it with twitch chat choosing my scrolls (because apparently I hate my life). I feel like this could be a fun category, but should probably be its own category in my opinion. So basically everything that exists in terms of categories but with twitch chat making your life a living hell. Thank you very much!

Ohio, USA

I was talking with Mageikk about this a couple days ago, and I'm pretty sure that twitch chat integration isn't gamebreaking, but we haven't fully made a decision on it yet because there's a few concerns with accessibility and some other things. I'm sure a separate Twitch category could be added until we decide if we want to combine the categories.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Sorry that im this late to answer. After some testing I do now believe that we should ALWAYS use twitch to vote for ourselves, meaning: Getting the scroll we want. Consistency is always a good thing, even if we cannot make this game too competitive because, well, roguelike. But I see we need to discuss this, as my plans seem to deny yours about involving your community (you must be pretty masochistic btw).

Another thing that came to my mind: If we can send savefiles, do we also send a currently locked pyramid? That would allow us to have something like a seed, or at least the same result, meaning: We could indeed have competitive single pyramid categories!

On a final Note, im really glad that you guys wanna join me in this crazy speedgame. I actually expected me to be the only one here forever :D Currently working on 2. and 3. pyramid, will upload as soon as im satisfied with my results

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Hello everyone, if there is anyone else alive at this game. Due to the fact that the previous moderator has not been active for more than a year, I replaced him. And finally I was able to approve a lot of races that had been waiting for this for more than a year. And who knows, maybe if they had bee

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