3.1 Update
9 months ago
Hokkaido, Japan
いっき団結のアップデートに伴い、サブカテゴリに3.1.X を追加する予定です。

We will be adding subcategory 3.1.X to the Icikidan update.
However, if this new version clears as fast or faster than the previous version, we will change the category name from "2.0.X" to "2.0.X~3.1.X".

The reason for the division of categories between "1.0.X" and "2.0.X" was that "2.0.X" took more time to clear.

随着 ikki Unite 的更新,我们将添加子类别 3.1.X。
不过,如果新版本的通关速度与旧版本一样好或更快,我们将把类别名称从 "2.0.X "改为 "2.0.X~3.1.X"。

之所以将 "1.0.X "和 "2.0.X "分开,是因为清除 "2.0.X "需要更长的时间。

yashinoha likes this
Hokkaido, Japan

2.0.X~3.1.Xでまとめることにしました。 サブカテゴリ名を変更しております。

We have decided to summarize in 2.0.X~3.1.X. Subcategory names have been changed.

Edited by the author 9 months ago