Speedrunning Road to Wrestlemania mode.
6 years ago

I was thinking this would be a good category to add. Speed running what could be considered the games main season/campaign mode could make for some interesting full game runs.

I've even thought of some categories, sub-categories and rule ideas.

Any% -RTA timing starts when player hits start on the stats screen before RtW begins. -Winning matches by count out is allowed -Purposefully losing matches by count out is not allowed -You may lose matches (but not by count out) -You may purposefully lose the Royal Rumble -All other rules considered, get through a year in Road to Wrestlemania mode as fast as possible

No Count Out: -RTA timing starts when player hits start on the stats screen before RtW begins. -No count outs -You may lose matches (but not by count out). -You may purposefully lose the Royal Rumble -All other rules considered, get through a year in Road to Wrestlemania mode as fast as possible

100% -RTA timing starts when player hits start on the stats screen before RtW begins. -No count outs -Win every match. End the game with a 100% win percentage in both single and tag matches. -This includes winning the Royal Rumble. -Win every championship belt before the end of the run. -All other rules considered, get through a year in Road to Wrestlemania mode as fast as possible

Additional Sub-Categories in Any% and 100%: Pin only: Win each match by pin (except the Royal Rumble) Submission only: Win each match by submission (except the Royal Rumble) TKO only: Win each match by TKO (eexcept Royal Rumble)

In the case of doing an Any% run for any of the above sub-categories, the player can still purposefully lose the Royal Rumble so long as all other matches are won using the single technique that the sub-category allows.


Instead of completing a year's worth of time in the single player mode, I'd rather see any Any% mode which requires the player to actually beat the game and trigger the credit screens. If I'm not mistaken, this requires a player to get the heavyweight championship belt, and then, I think, defend the title at a Wrestlemania 2000 event.

As far as the subcategories are concerned, I'm skeptical those leaderboards would actually get runs, but if someone actually does run them, I would be up to make the subcategories for them.

I'm also not 100% clear on what the GB version requires in order for the game to be completed yet.

I'd be happy to look into this so I can ascertain actually what the conditions are to trigger the credits, however, I will be out of town until next week, and will not have a chance to do a full review of everything until then. When I get back though, I'd be happy to look further into this so that a leaderboard for a true run of the complete game can be determined.

Stee_Boostin menyukai ini

That makes sense. I almost entirely forgot there is more than one end state to RtW. Anyway, I did a no loss play-through to find out how it is supposed to go, and I found that you need to win the main event match at Wrestlemania for the WWF title to reach the credits. If you are the WWF champion after the Royal Rumble you will see a cut-scene where Vince McMahon strips you of the belt. The only way you can secure a spot in the main event to win the title back is if you also won the Royal Rumble.

Also thanks so much for the response.

NihilistComedyHour menyukai ini

Thanks a bunch for verifying that. I will put together a category for you as a basic Any%, as well as No Count Out. This may take a day or two, as I will need to do a little reworking of the board to accommodate the new subcategories.

Stee_Boostin menyukai ini

Alright Any% and No Ring Out is up. I'll look into doing a 100% category if anyone manages to do one.

Idaho, USA

So there is currently one time on the boards in this category, and it is a 100% run (I think it is, at least). I do intend on challenging this record, but I wanted to touch base to see if the category rules are for a 100% run or an any% category. I know the thread mentions different categories, but I only see the one, unless I'm mistaken.

If the current board is any%, my strategies will obviously be a little different than if it's officially a 100%, so I just wanted some clarification before I start to prepare my plan of attack. :)

Ohio, USA

Not to sound weird or like I am complaining but is the difficulty curve extra brutal to any one else on the road to wrestlemania attempts?

Idaho, USA

@Pottsie91 I can't speak from personal experience RECENTLY, but I played the absolute crap out of this game when I was younger and on all difficulty settings. I do remember it feeling like the Road to Wrestlemania started "easy" and ended "hard", so you are probably correct. Again, I can't verify with anything other than my memory, so don't quote me.

Try going against the Undertaker on hard in exhibition or something and see if it is a similar experience to your matches that are giving you issues.

Personal question, are you doing attempts for the boards right now? I was waiting on an answer to my above post before I gave any official attempts...but if you are attempting it, are you going for the 100% (no count outs and such) or any%?

Ohio, USA

no count outs. 100%. yeah. I want to put a run on the board but like after my first match every one after that is an up hill battle. every thing getting reversed. like I almost slammed my controller but its a nintendo brand and don't want to break an original.

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
Idaho, USA

Got it. I wonder then if a mod should change the board rules officially then to 100%. Because as it sits, my strategy would be to include count outs and such, and that would make my times significantly faster, especially if no one else is using those strats.

Yeah don't break the Nintendo original...LOL! The game can definitely troll you. Just don't plan on perfection at first. Just PLAY and the more that you do, the better you'll get. Once you have a rhythm and general feel for things, then you can go for the speed. At the higher difficulties, you can just let them attack you and then YOU can reverse their attacks in order to weaken them. There are also certain reversals that can't be reversed (if that makes sense...LOL). For example, regular punches can be reversed back and forth forever, but if your reversal of a punch is something like chops to the head or an arm breaker or some other specific move I can't remember, then you can block a punch and have for sure damage. If you are using a custom character, just play around with your moveset a little and see what you like.

You'll get there, my friend! Keep working at it!


Sorry for the late response. Again busy season. We talked about 100% category in the past but it was never settled. I’ll review everything again later this evening and see if we can’t get you some rules so you can do your run.

BryBad menyukai ini

As far as counts are concerned, those runs for future exhibitions and such will likely merged here soon, since it was discovered you can actually win a match pinning an opponent faster than a count out. Not sure if that’s the case for story mode, since it gets progressively harder. This game always throws us curveballs so we’ve had to clean it up a couple of times.

BryBad menyukai ini

Ah, typed out a big thing, and then accidentally erased it.


Any%: Get to credits, Losing Matches is accepted. 100% Get to credits, win every match.

I gotta test to see if First Blood is an option in RtW. If it isn't, then I'm not sure subcats are necessary, if pinning is faster than Count Outs. If it is an option... can subcat for First Blood and No First Blood.


Alright, after rewatching some of Ah_You_Know's run, it appears he successfully won every match, which can be verified by the stats keeping relatively easily on the menu screen proceeding. I did not see a ring out victory; but I will take a look more closely and see if I can find in the 4 hours of gameplay there. If anyone notices, please let me know the timestamp on the video so I can verify.

I believe we got something like this going on:

A completion of Road to Wrestlemania consists of starting a new game, and then getting to the credits of the game as quickly as possible.

I'm thinking something like this:

Any%: get to credits screen as quickly as possible using any means necessary, including losing matches.

100%: get to credits screen as quickly as possible having a 100% win rate.

Once those two are established, I can subcategorize both of these categories based on use Ring Outs. (Ring Out / No Ring Out). I'm not yet aware if First Blood in the options settings can be used for RtW; that's something that needs to be determined. If that's the case (First Blood / No First Blood / No First Blood or Out).

The subcategories may be unnecessary entirely if First Blood isn't an option for RtW, since it has been determined that a victory can be attained in single matches can be attained faster with a pin that it is physically possible with a Ring Out.

Let me know what y'all think, and we'll see if we can't get this all set up this week.


Alrighty. I did some cleaning up of everything and even updated the rules for everything (something that sorely needed to be done). If you see a mistake or error, please let me know, and I will correct.

Regarding RTW subcategories: I will split runs into a subcategories if and when such a run is made, and will make adjustments as necessary. Didn't want a slate of empty subcategories.

Other note: I was going to consolidate what was previous the "No Ring Out/No First Blood" and the "Ring Out/No First Blood" subcategories. As I was working on it though, I changed "No Ring Out/Not First Blood" to just "No First Blood," and changed the "Ring Out/No First Blood" to "Ring Out" since there are runs that specifically denote the fastest "Ring Out" victories.

This means that a Ring Out victory meets the conditions of both categories. However, all Ring Out runs will be put into the "Ring Out" category going forward.

Hope this helps clarify things for the new runners. Again, apologies for the delay. The snow days here has given me time to work on this, so glad I got to time to resolve these issues.

Megamatt79 menyukai ini

Actually, something just occurred to me immediately after posting the last post.

At this point, and to really just make submitting runs for Exhibitions less complicated and dumb sounding...

I changed the subcategories for Single Exhibitions Rule Types "Pin / Submission / Ring Out / Any%".

That's simpler and makes way more sense and really addressed the inevitable submission subcategory that no one asked for, but will be asked for one day. Just going to get ahead of that now.