JokerD, first 60 in classic WoW, and his strategy (Frost Mage)
5 years ago
Michigan, USA

3 Days, 7 hours.

Strategy breakdown:

JokerD on twitch, with archive of playtime:

He played the legendary golden eye streets 1:12 video during it also... what a freaking legend.

dripping menyukai ini
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Sadly this does help nobody here since grouping is not allowed in /played 1-60, but yea gratz to the guy :)

California, USA

Luckily there is a Real Time (Aided) category :)

His time is impressive and legendary but I don't know how I personally feel about the layering abuse in terms of a repeatable speedrun situation.

Western Australia, Australia

You can't repeat the layering abuse, that was an issue that was brought up on the day. Still a great achievement for Jokerd.

edit: necro sheesh

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Statistik Game
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WoW Speedruning February Update

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