Hey I would just like you to know that I have left the speedruning community and am often not active. The super mod I have not spoken to in a while. So I will verify all of the runs now however can you please dm the super mod as it is much faster.
@AarexxWasntTaken Submit a inactive super mod request on the support hub if your runs are still pending.
@astrolite before he submits a request he would have needed to contact the mods about it witch he didn't do. Posting a forum does not count and a dm on like discord is probably a how to get the fastest response.
Hi everyone. Just got in contact with the head mod. I am pretty active on speedrun.com and your runs should get verified within a day or two.
As posted in the forum, the original game is taken down. However, there is a new, reupload version of the game.
The new version of the game can be found here -
The old game can be found here -