Currently you have pure randomness in a random map run: you don't know the starting locations, you don't know your starting units.
I suggest we discuss the option for a category of a loaded random map and play it with a strategy you came up with. This could add a flavor for WR-maps in random map category if you try to beat it faster with new strategies because you know the map by then. For me it would be interesting to see how much faster you can be in comparison to the truly random map run.
The downside is that I can't think of a way to do this without ruining the page layout. The more random maps we upload and create a category for, the more daunting it gets for players who want to start speedrunning Warlords, because there are too many categories then. It would be hard to keep an overview which is hard to moderate too.
My conclusion is that this is not possible, but I'd be interested in your thoughts. Maybe there is a way to implement something like this. It seems this thread is unnecessary but I thought I start the discussion now.