Autosplitter for usf4
7 years ago

Hey guys.

I saw that you recently changed the way this game is timed and noticed that you were in need of an autosplitter.

Way back I used to make tools and stuff for sf4 and thought maybe I could help you out, so I made one. The thing is, I'm currently running linux on all my computers and I usually play the game through wine, so I can't really test if this works on Windows or not.

The autosplitter can work in one of two ways, selectable from within LiveSplit, both measure in game time. The first method is counting frames. The game keeps count of how many frames each round takes, and we know the game always runs at 60fps, so we can calculate the amount of time with that information. This should be way more accurate than the in game clock, but isn't really doable on console. Time is calculated in this way: time(ms) = frames * (1000/60) The second method is just using the in game clock. Even the barrel bonus stage has one, you just never see it (and it starts at 60, like the car stage). This way of timing runs should be the same as the one you use now, but automated.

Please backup your saves before using this. I don't think anything can happen, but you never know and I haven't tested it all that much. I take no responsibility for any damages to your save/game etc...

Anyway, for anyone wanting to test it out, here's the link: I don't really want to put it on github before someone can confirm that it works on Windows, but I will move it there if it does.

Only tested on LiveSplit 1.7.5 (the newest one I could get working on linux).

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago

Hello. I'm the guy that reworked the lbs and i'm actually glad somebody made an autosplitter. I'll test it in 2hrs as hard as i can and give you a feedback.



Autosplitter is working fine, however it doesn't pause / stops the moment the fight has been done, and relies on getting around 14-18 splits per run (as it splits once the round has ended). So, if you'll have super long loading screens, you will have ~40 sec. per round, instead of ~8-10 as it's supposed to. I guess there is a way to manually direct the timer when exactly to split and to pause (so basically, add a pause after every split, and unpause at the 1st frame of the fight, and it should b pretty good)

I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying. The autosplitter splits every round, that is correct. It should not add any additional time. It only times exactly the frames, or seconds, you can move your character, the loading screens are not counted. I may have forgotten to mention it, but LiveSplit should be set to in game time only so the realtime timer in LiveSplit is disabled. Maybe you didn't set LiveSplit to only use in game time (Timing Method: Game Time)?

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago

Oh. Well, most likely that's the case, bc ~95% of runners are using Real Time. I'll try to use Game Time next time, and tell you the results. Can't do it atm.

Sounds good. The reason I chose to use Game Time is that the game keeps track of frames and seconds itself and it will always be more accurate and consistent than Real Time. As far as I can tell you're timing runs by the in game clock now, so I'm not sure how useful Real Time is. Then again, I'm pretty new to all of this, so please tell me if there's anything I'm missing. I'm not sure how far people will go with usf4, but if sub-second timing is ever necessary they can use the framecounter-timer in the autosplitter instead of Real Time.

Crossing my fingers everything works as it should when you set it to Game Time. Thanks for testing it. I'm glad it worked at all, wasn't too sure it would.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago

Seems like it's working.


I'm not quite sure if i did the rest of the stuff correctly, but it's working so far without real mistakes. Atelast you can track both IGT and RTA at the same time.

Thanks for the splitter!


Trying to download the splitter it requires a password

Sorry about that, I don't know how I managed to password protect it, I didn't mean to.

I removed my link completely now. Go ahead and use Mekarazium's link instead. I'll upload it to github if it turns out to work as it should for others as well. I don't want to put it up there if I'm not sure it works. LiveSplit may include it in their AutoSplitters.xml file and I don't want it to spread around too much before we know it works as it should.

Tennessee, USA

how am i supposed to install it?


Download the file, add an element to your LS layout called Scriptable AutoSplitter, select the file, switch to the Game Time.

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