United Stateszkng3 months ago

Hello! I'm new to speedrun.com, and somewhat new to speedrunning.

I love Animal Well, and it has gotten me interested in speed running, because I want to see new interesting ways to play the game.

Below are some questions I have for those who are more familiar with speedrunning and with Animal Well. If you find yourself moved to answer, I appreciate your time and thank you for sharing your interest with me!

  1. What makes Animal Well a good game to speed run?

  2. What do you personally find most satisfying about either discovering/developing a new category to speedrun, or mastering a new category you have discovered?

  3. If you could make a few changes to Animal Well to design an entertaining but unusual speed run, what might it be?

  4. How do players of games find glitches? Is it trial & error, or is there a way to examine the code of a game and find them?

And finally...

  1. Does a beginning speedrunner need anything other than a copy of the game, and the rules of the category?



United Stateszkng4 months ago

Hi, new to posting here. Made an account for this game.

What other fun categories do you think will come out of Animal Well? Who out there is doing interesting challenges that you think should have more attention?

Tentang zkng
Fun, funny, and Hooked on Phonics. oddsoul.blog
4 months ago
2 months ago