benang: Panel de Pon
Canadaz26001 year ago

First of all paragraphs would be appreciated, this is really hard to read.

"I no longer have a phone due to not being able to make my phone payments" Can't you just keep a phone with no data on it, like I do, or borrow one from your wife/family...

"If i was going to TAS, I'd make sure there was no human elements." Not if you were trying to pass off a TAS run as an RTA one, obviously. Sorry for being mean but you are intentionally acting dense.

"As for Ranking only Silver, That is for VS play with Garbage involved" I called you gold because your score attack run from 8 months ago was like gold level.

The idea was to assess your playstyle, not your defensive ability. you could even choose to play the time attack versus build. Lag isn't an issue when even someone like Endaris with horrible internet can still play panel attack online fine. Bad internet doesn't ruin his chaining, it mainly causes him to often get disconnected.

"As for "not being a bigger effort", given that I am balancing having a Child, being Engaged, getting a new house, I have bigger priorities than a Video Game at the moment." In other words, you've had enough time to practice 4 hours a day for years, but now can't bother to take a one time 1 to 2 hours break to play on panel attack or record footage now that the reputation you invested years to build is in jeopardy.

"again I would prove it in the Panel Attack lobby, however I need to be allowed to use my tablet and pen for "Touch Control"" Why? Your run was played on emulator and controller, so you own a device that you can play controller panel attack on.

This threat was meant for you to bring counterarguments, not excuses. You may feel like you're in too deep and it's too late to do so, but by this point I think you should confess. You don't have many options left besides a stubborn denial of the obvious that convinces no one, meanwhile admitting will let you retain some dignity.

benang: Panel de Pon
Canadaz26001 year ago

"Let me remind you that a TAS run would not have mistakes and be 100% perfect, in which my runs are not perfect."

It's trivial to put a mistake or two in a TAS to make it more convincing, but the nature of the mistakes in your run is suspect. Like Cards stated, you made some very amateurish mistakes like not cutting an x15 or messing up simple downstacking, yet your movement when actually chaining is virtually perfect.

"if I had a hand cam or a means to stream my runs live"

You don't have a phone? This excuse may have worked in 2006, but in 2023 it's not exactly difficult or expensive for anyone to upload decent quality footage (Twitch and OBS are free) . Even if for some reason you can't, you could at least hop in the panel attack lobby and play at 500-600apm there.

"I've been playing this game literally 4 hours a day, every day for the past 20 years"

Then why were you maybe (in panel attack terms) around silver-gold rank less than a year ago and only recently jumped to master+ level?

I suspect cards might be willing to compromise if you wanted to provide video proof but needed a bit more time to do so, but given all the evidence so far, you're in no position to blame people for doubting you.

Saying "I could show video proof but I wont bother and will let the community ban me instead" comes off as an admission of guilt, if you want to convince anyone of your innocence you should put in more effort.

"PS: If don't respond within 48 hours, its due to my notifications not pinging me" Can't you just check the thread manually? These accusations should be a big enough deal for you to make that effort.

Razorflame menyukai ini
benang: Panel de Pon
Canadaz26001 year ago

I'm assuming raidabelow has been personally contacted and asked for his side of the story? Obviously he might just have chosen not to comment given the provided evidence, but he does deserve a chance to defend himself.

Razorflame dan CardsOfTheHeart menyukai ini
benang: Panel de Pon
Canadaz26001 year ago

Under this run they explain their playstyle as such:

"I been practicing a few controller tricks in secret and after 3 months of practicing them, I finally got them down. A-B Spinning, Stick Controls for the SNES controller with the Sticks and Hy-birding between Rolling and Hyper Tapping as well as playing Panel Attack on Level 11 (EX-Mode) made grabbing this record and making it go this low possible."

I'm a keyboard player so this sounds like chinese to me, I don't know whenever these techs from other games would translate well to panel de pon. From the limited research i did into it, not sure how you'd alternate those two techniques (tetris rolling involves a weird hand position, so hand cam would be nice)

Razorflame menyukai ini
benang: Panel de Pon
Canadaz26001 year ago

(Someone else mentioned to me this TAS-looking run to me so I told mods about it) I don't trust my judgement on matters like these, so I really appreciate Cards doing an in-depth analysis.

I can't add anything to said analysis, but something else I found interesting was that 8 months ago (only 2 months before the deleted easy run) , on the same channel "Rikka" uploaded a speedrun with much slower gameplay. Assuming that Rikka Shidai and the channel owner truly all are the same person, if the improvement is legit I'm jealous at the rate of progress and the work ethic required for it.

Also, while some people (including "Rika") say touch controls are straight up superior, I have my doubts on them being better for small intricate movements. IMO, they're a different input style you have to retrain a lot for in order to get results with, they're not an automatic powerup.

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