South Australia, Australiawerster11 months ago

We absolutely love ASM!!

Saiyanz dan ObbySprinkles menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster11 months ago

Yes, this is because the IGT carries over from the previous stage. So if e.g. you finish Underground 1 at 16.9 seconds, it'll carryover that high 0.9 to Underground 2.

Nimn_One menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster1 year ago

Hello, I would like to request any% Manipless for FR/LG. Same rules as the current "Manipless" but just with glitches being allowed.

Here is a run:

South Australia, Australiawerster1 year ago

No, that is not allowed.

grntsz menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster3 years ago

Completed run here:

Goal is to beat the game, glitchless, using the Dodrio speedup from the GB Tower in either Stadium 1 or 2.

Rules: Timing is by RTA, where timer starts at New Game and ends when screen fully fades to white after Hall of Fame in game time is shown. Category Type: Glitchless. Saving and quitting (S + Q) is allowed. Runs must be done on English version. Using a Poké Doll on Marowak is allowed. Digging from within buildings is allowed. Glitches such as trainer-fly, old man, et cetera are not allowed.

JamyCruise menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster4 years ago

Wondering if the PC decomplication will be/is allowed for S1/2 2013.

The decomp can be found here: https://github.com/Rubberduckycooly/Sonic-1-2-2013-Decompilation

The tl;dr is this allows you to play natively on PC, which is way more accessible. It isn't a port, you still need to have the release assets to run the game. Would definitely allow way more people to run the game, as you wouldn't have to deal with the two awful options of either capturing mobile devices, or using a mobile emulator.

South Australia, Australiawerster4 years ago

It is in the base game, you just need to change the shields to S3K in the options. Go to level select, play 0 0 0 and change the items there.

To use for the Time Attack mode, simply Game Over after changing the items, and then go to Time Attack.

South Australia, Australiawerster4 years ago

I've had a few people complain about the idea of random boxes for ILs, so I think the best thing to do is have them be a sub-cat. Have one board that doesn't allow them, and one that does. Otherwise some times are simply unbeatable without using them (which a fair amount of people dont like), or they just arent allowed period (which is also not a good idea to ban something just because it's fast)

South Australia, Australiawerster4 years ago

Requesting Meganium as an Alt Main Poke for HG/SS

Run here:

josejavier1158 menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster4 years ago

Requesting All Gold Prints for HG/SS.

Timing: Timing is by RTA, where timer starts upon the first fully white frame after Soft Reset or game boot up and ends when the textbox saying 'The Gold Print was added to the Vs. Recorder' is cleared after obtaining all 5 Gold Prints.

Rules: Glitches are not allowed.

Saving and quitting (S + Q) is allowed.

Runs must be done on English version.

Resetting at the credits after the Elite Four is allowed, so if any time is spent in the credits, this time is also included

Changing the real time clock once the run has started is allowed during the run, as long as you save and reset.

Having a save file present when you start the run is not allowed.

Run here:

wartab menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster4 years ago

There isn't a guide yet, though I am in the process of making one.

The idea is simple though. Voltorb Flip uses secondary RNG, which is mostly static throughout the run. As long as you're doing RNG Manip (which you absolutely have to be to even try to manip Voltorb Flip) there's only 2 extra things you need to be aware of:

  1. Make sure you don't spend any extra time on the route between Union Cave and Azalea Town. It rains there, and rain advances secondary RNG, so any time spent there walking or waiting for the spinner will mess it up.

  2. Follow the Voltorb Flip pattern exactly. Most flips in Voltorb Flip advance secondary RNG by 1, but if you choose a panel that has no bomb on either it's row or column, it won't advance at all. So the panels chosen are specifically done to advance by specific amount, if you choose the wrong ones you may get different boards.

gabraltar menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster4 years ago

Requesting Dunsparce as an Alt Main Poke for HG/SS.

Run here:

josejavier1158 menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster5 years ago

Requesting Farfetch'd as an Alt Main Poke for FR/LG

Run here:

Pear dan wartab menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster5 years ago

As long as the game footage is visible throughout, that's definitely acceptable for a submission.

Pear dan 84th menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster5 years ago

Requesting Dragonite as an Alt Main Poke for HG/SS.

Run here:

josejavier1158, scoagogo, dan wartab menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster5 years ago

Requesting Bibarel as an Alt Main Poke for Platinum.

Run here:

josejavier1158 dan Hess menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster5 years ago

These games have enough "beat a small part of the game" categories already, more is not the answer, especially when they would be similar to something that already exists. We've got the IL cups already.

South Australia, Australiawerster5 years ago

So that would be on the cat extension boards over here: https://www.speedrun.com/pkmngen4ext#Manipless_HeartGoldSoulSilver

It won't be added to the main boards due to it's arbitrary nature.

South Australia, Australiawerster5 years ago

Afaik IL boards are planned for just about every Sonic title on site, just that it's something that'll take a bit of time to setup.

Hibnotix menyukai ini
South Australia, Australiawerster5 years ago

No. These games have enough "beat a small part of the game" categories already, more is not the answer, especially when they would be so ridiculously similar to something that already exists.

allstarrider dan zewing menyukai ini
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