Right - with the subcategory system, we'd be able to keep any% ww on main page WITH the addition of alt any% ww and alt any% as additional subcategories under the header "any% major glitches" (see imgur link). This category umbrella would also permit for any additional major glitches in the future to have a pre-built space for run submissions. We could do a similar subcategory thing with character runs.
EDIT: turns out you can do subcategories under the same leaderboard. check it out:
We COULD throw misc any% times on a google sheet so that runners can have multiple times on the same leaderboard. In this scenario, the src leaderboard would have a redirect link to the spreadsheet under "Rules." Just throwing that idea out there.
Welp - turns out that the same name can't appear twice on a single leaderboard, even with different variables. For example, I tested by putting hamb's any% ww and alt any% ww in the same category, and it just marked his any% ww as obsolete because it's slower. So the merger option's out until src gets its shit together -
Putting alt any% ww on main is a tough call. On one hand, it does make sense to show the fastest times currently possible, but alt any% ww manages to be even less competitive than any% ww. If we're thinking in terms of accessibility, any% ww on main still makes the most sense.
Thanks for the input over the past week. The results are in: yes to All Light Levels as a miscellaneous category, no to consolidating the misc any% categories into a single category. These changes will go into effect tonight.
There has been a request by a runner to put naija% on the main page. Leaving that up to y'all. Vote here - you have 5 days! http://strawpoll.me/7221997
the vote for all light levels as a miscellaneous category is nearly 2:1. ill leave this open to discussion for another few days. thanks, everyone!
While we're on the subject of potential leaderboard revisions, another proposition has been created to merge alt any%, any% ww, and alt any% ww into a single main page leaderboard named "any% (major glitches)." the leaderboard would display the glitches used in the run with speedrun.com's variable feature (i.e. subsections marked "Alt?" and "WW?" next to the runner's time)
interested in your feedback here. strawpoll to gauge interest: http://strawpoll.me/7173923
Here's a strawpoll for your consideration. Majority rules:
Yes, submitting to leaderboards requires video proof. The runs you see without videos on this leaderboard were grandfathered in from our old Google Doc leaderboard and had been verified by a moderator prior to the migration to speedrun.com.
finally sent availability, sorry for the delay
aaaaaand it's been updated. let me know if you have any suggestions for editing the language, etc
yeah, these polls looks rather conclusive. unless anyone has a really good reason for an alternate set of timings to be used, i'll add these start/end points to leaderboard rules in 24 hours. thanks everybody!
Most other speedrunning communities have a rule that dictates when a full-game run starts and stops. Our community doesn't for whatever reason, which has resulted in inconsistent timing from runner to runner. When positions on the leaderboard in some categories sometimes come down to the frame, we need standardized timing. Let's fix this issue finally!
Here are two strawpolls. The first asks when a run should begin, the second asks when a run should be considered over.
Run start: http://strawpoll.me/6623724
Run end: http://strawpoll.me/6623706
N.B.: whatever rulings are made will not result in the invalidation of any submissions up to this point, and previously submitted runs need not be retimed to conform to whatever timing is decided on. We just need a clear rule going forward.
i'm stunned and devastated by this news. leimao was a regular visitor of my channel and became a good friend of mine these past few months. i'll miss his sense of humor and warm personality, and his deep knowledge, curiosity, and passion for the game we play. my condolences are with his friends and family back home. <3
meat friends: we have to finish the work that leimao started with the segmented 106% run. this was an ambitious project that he initiated several months ago, and i'm sure that he would want to see it finished. for more information about what you can do to contribute, visit here - http://www.speedrun.com/smb/thread/2nm7s
have you tried adjusting your in-game settings - detail, resolution, window?
it should also be noted that theres no a & s skip available on ps4, which probably counteracts any discrepancy in load times
how much slower is PC compared to PS4, scarlet? in a run that i just checked, it took ~8 seconds for the player to enter 1-1, which seems comparable to PC.