benang: Speedrunning
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Francetristesire3 years ago

Yeah, the slow feature was initially added in an attempt to facilitate the game, who was very hard at the time, it's far from being as integral as in Superhot's design. But who knows how the game will evolve !

benang: Speedrunning
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Francetristesire3 years ago

@SnarkySceptile Yeah, that's what I figured!

@Sizzyl Makes perfect sense, that's the goal. I feel like we still struggle on the easy to learn part, even if the controls are pretty simple.

ViableBunnyBudd dan Merl_ menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Francetristesire3 years ago

Thank you all for your input ! I'll keep all that in mind for the future.

I had one question about the slow feature, my programmer argues that it should also slow the timer to not deter its usage, but I guess that renders it kinda useless for speedrunners, doesn't it ?

Here's an illustration of my point : https://gfycat.com/fr/personaldownrightalpinegoat

ViableBunnyBudd dan Merl_ menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Francetristesire3 years ago

@wrap The game isn't really ready for that, I'll submit it if the project ever gets launched.

@VyPr Those are the two features that came to our mind, they are already crudely implemented. What about a ghost of the best time ?

@1234 Thanks for your feedback ! It's true we need to rework the tutorial a bit, it was designed pretty early in developpement and the game has evolved quite a bit since.

ViableBunnyBudd, Amaz dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Francetristesire3 years ago

Hi, I'm making a game with a friend, it's a 2d runner/platformer about a lost astronaut running away from giant space worms in maze-like underground burrows. The most fun I have playing is to try to go as fast as I can in the few levels we built. I am therefore curious what the speedrunning community would think about it, and more broadly what kind of useful features speedrunners like to see on games of this genre to make runs as smooth and painless as possible, things like an in game timer for example (already there). There's also a crude leaderboard in place, so if you wish to try to beat the dev's time, please knock yourselves out.

You can try it here : https://affairesetrangeres.itch.io/this-is-no-cave

It's an early demo of course, we plan to try to find funding for the game so we can hopefully make a fully fledged title !

To the mods : if you consider this thread as unwanted advertisement, please feel free to delete it. It's not really the goal, I mainly wish to learn more about what makes a game interesting for speedrunners.

StarSpeed menyukai ini
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