benang: Apeirophobia
world record rules got changed, heres new rules you have to follow for it
Run must be submitted* for at least 3 days.
- There needs to be at least 3 non-obsoleted runs in a category you have WR on.
- Only full-game* runs with "Restricted" variable (subcategory) are eligible for a WR title.
- Mobile is allowed.
- If you get a WR title you keep it forever.
- On the moment you submit the WR title form, you must have the world record for the category.
- To get the World Record role in Discord, you need to link your Discord profile to speedrun.com
TheRedactedPerson menyukai ini
jalankan: Roblox: DOORS
jalankan: Roblox: DOORS
benang: Roblox: DOORS
benang: Roblox: DOORS
when you press right click on the lock it goes from 9 to 0, basically in the opposite order when you press it normally
crackhead_bean menyukai ini
benang: Roblox: DOORS
Bro this thread is about to pull a quadruple kill
benang: Roblox: DOORS
dont suggest jack and shadow btw, they don't deal damage
benang: Roblox: DOORS
why even reply to this thread its literally a month old
benang: Roblox: DOORS
most of us are currently verifying runs at the same time and will probably eventually reach your run, other than that we do have about 350 runs to go so just be patient and it will probably be checked
MiniDemotrix_69 menyukai ini
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