Yes, I believe it is possible to branch out to Perfect Ending and True Ending from the appropriate saved data.
However, I do not understand the conditions correctly and would like to know. What exactly are the weird points that you can get, and are weird points the only condition for the ending branching?
Thank you.
You are right, we may be able to eliminate the 50-50 luck-dependent part.
To the moderator
Could you please add “All Major Endings”?
Hi moderator
This is a new category proposal.
“Perfect Ending” and “All Endings”.
The “Perfect Ending” is the ending where you get perfect memories.
The “All Endings”require to see 4 endings : TaT, BaS, True Ending, and Perfect Ending.
What do you think?
For now, I added "Minimum Loops". I'll try running next time.
As for character%, I haven't been able to research an appropriate character, so I'll postpone it.
ErinT Thank you for your comment.
Yes, character% will be a video of most people running any%. However, you can also devise initial colors etc. for specific characters. I also want to see reactions based on attachment to specific characters.
The categories you have to clear are all more difficult than any%. (That's what any% means) I agree that Gnosia's other categories are similar to any% and not very suitable.
Pressiepop Thank you for your comment.
If I were to add a category, I would name it "Minimum Loops."
I will post the distribution URL when I clear Loop60. (I'm sorry that it's very long, over 8 hours in Japanese) Loop1-48: Loop49-60:
The category of increasing one status to 50 (≒Lv21) was a surprise. Most of them will be tutorials, but if I were to do it myself, I think it would be roughly the same as any%.
At the current any%, experience points are not given much importance. The special ending in loop 11 where you get a large amount of her EXP bonus is interesting, but I feel like it probably won't be used in RTA. However, I think that the understanding of experience value will deepen.
Hey guys, I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to add a new category. There are two things I'm thinking about: Character% and Loop60. If you have any opinions, please let me know. (ty DeepL)
This is a category from Loop 1 to filling in the Crew's Date for the target character, other than that, there are no questions asked. The concept is a category with a much shorter time than any%. Of course, you can use the same recording video as any% as long as the conditions are met.
I don't think we need all the characters. For example, Setsu% is close to any%. If you have any characters that fit into this category, please let me know. Of course, it is assumed that there will be categories for multiple characters.
I don't intend to pay attention to NG and NG+. First of all, we don't separate platforms. Although the nuance may be different, I think it is included in "LEVEL CATEGORIES".
The condition is to clear the game with Loop 60, which is the minimum number of loops required to clear the game. Considering the possibility that the minimum number will be updated in the future, we will set the condition that the number of loops is 60 or less. It is a concept that has the most severe conditions and is longer than any%.
I don't intend to pay attention to NG and NG+. First of all, we don't separate platforms. I think this is included in "FULL GAME CATEGORIES".
皆様、そろそろ新カテゴリを増やしてもいいんじゃないかと思ってます。 考えているのは二つ、キャラ%とLoop60です。 1週間何も意見がなければ、作ってしまおうと思っているので、是非意見をください。 (やる人がいないとかは考えていない…)
Loop1から対象キャラの特記事項を埋めるまでのカテゴリで、それ以外は不問とする。 any%よりもかなり短い時間のカテゴリというコンセプトです。 条件さえ満たせば記録動画はany%と同じものを使ってもいいと思っています。
全キャラはいらないと思っています。 セツ%はany%に近いので、不要かと。 このカテゴリに合いそうなキャラがいたら教えてください。 もちろん複数キャラのカテゴリができる想定です。
NGとNG+、プラットフォームは意識しません。(必要に応じて変えます) ニュアンスは違うかもしれませんが、このカテゴリは「LEVEL CATEGORIES」に含まれると思っています。
クリアに必要な最短Loop数とされている、Loop60でクリアするという条件です。 今後最低数が更新されたときのことを考え、Loop数が60以下という条件にする予定です。 一番条件が厳しく、any%よりも長いというコンセプトです。
NGとNG+、プラットフォームは意識しません。(必要に応じて変えます) このカテゴリは「FULL GAME CATEGORIES」に含まれると思っています。
Thank you for your opinion.
As you say, the PC version has a popup speedup, but it's too early and I often review it. It is possible that it will be 1-2 minutes faster, but the difference between the rankings is greater than that, so I don't think it's necessary to separate them yet. But splitting it up doesn't really matter.
And, thank you for updating the options.
I agree with adding milliseconds when submitting. But I think it doesn't have to be a required input. Even in the famous game competing for milliseconds like Mario, only the top record display milliseconds. I think it's okay with what Erin says.
申請時にミリ秒を追加するのは賛成です。 でも、必須入力でなくてもいいかもしれないと思います。 ミリ秒を争っている有名なゲーム(マリオ)でも、上位記録しかミリ秒は表示していませんでした。 エリンさんのおっしゃっている感じでいいと思います。