benang: KUNAI
Iowa, USAsummertimealice3 years ago

Is running on the Switch actually allowed? If so, how do I make sure it's running at 144fps? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious

benang: SHIFT
Iowa, USAsummertimealice3 years ago

Hello, I want to learn this run but I can't find a place to learn how the different strats work. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

ImPurpl3 menyukai ini
Iowa, USAsummertimealice3 years ago

During a Moomin run yesterday i noticed this: When hit by an icicle, Moomin gets some upward momentum which maybe has potential for glitching somewhere? I'm uncertain but excited for the possibility.

Iowa, USAsummertimealice3 years ago

I want to try running this game but I don't know where the best place is to learn the run.

benang: K.O.L.M.
Iowa, USAsummertimealice3 years ago

Hello I'm hoping to jump into running this game. I know it hasn't been run for a while but I am curious if anyone can help me understand how best to get the mouse positioned correctly to click 'continue' when using the Menu-Continue strat?

I am using a controller for most of the game and I have the mouseclick mapped to a button but I end up having to reposition the mouse for the first one usually.

Thanks for any help!

Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

Came across this info on The Cutting Room Floor! @ https://tcrf.net/Moomin%27s_Tale

"Game Genie code 012-02F-E66 with the Japanese version will start the game in a debug menu similar to the one in Jankyuusei: Cosplay Paradise, where you can test music, sounds, view maps, start at any point in the game or return to the title screen.

While the code for displaying the debug menu remains in the European version, and can be activated using the Game Genie code 011-F1F-E66, the text was removed and so only a blank screen is shown."

Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

Yesterday I discovered a skip in level 5 that can save around 10 to 13 seconds. I posted the video here:

Basically you can make that jump if you have a fruit speed up and you time it just right. As you pas through the platform of the other door, you have to hit jump once more to get up on the platform. Hope this helps anyone else!

0hMalleyCat menyukai ini
Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

After some experimentation, it appears that the eagle's hitbox moves across the screen from it when diving. If you notice in the video above, when the double jump happens, the eagle takes damage! It's a small thing but interesting. I'm hoping to understand that thing's hitboxes more because currently they're so tough to deal with!

0hMalleyCat menyukai ini
Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

I finally managed to catch it on video. Sharing here in the interest of figuring out how/why this happens and if it might have applications somewhere in the run.

SioN menyukai ini
Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

As I've been progressing the game I'm wondering if individual levels should have different categories based on the power-ups you have? At the end of each world, those new power-ups change the runs of previous levels. Does anybody else have thoughts on this?

Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

A few times here and there I've gotten a glitch where the game seems to let me double jump? I haven't been able to replicate it but it mostly happens during the eagle fight. None on stream yet, but I'm hoping to catch it at some point so I can start figuring out what is happening.

(It's also possible I just thought I saw it, but it seems worth investigating.)

0hMalleyCat menyukai ini
Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

Hey, would it be possible to create some individual level run options? I'd like to cut my teeth on this game with a smaller chunk. If not it's ok, I'll just work on the full run. Thanks for your time!

Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

Elgu actually sent me this video on twitter that I think is really helpful for taking the Dragon down!

Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

Im trying to find ways to deal with the dragon boss in level 5. It doesnt project any usable information that i can see so unless someone has a good strategy im not sure what ill do.

Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

I didn't make the other page. Just noticed the double and got confused

Iowa, USAsummertimealice4 years ago

I have some reference images I've created for running including maps for the maze-like levels and an image detailing the Groke boss fight pattern. What is the best way for me to share those? Is it possible to create a section of the resources tab that allows for sharing pngs? Otherwise I could convert these images to pdfs and share them that way!

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4 years ago
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