Hey guys! I'm pretty late to the party in terms of submitting my stuff, but it seems like my any% WR is already up on here. Cool :)
I'm getting back into streaming weekly for this game, and after I get back into practice, I want to tackle a 100% route. For the sake of consistency, I'm defining 100% as all Lightning Cards, all Charaboms + Fusions, and all Heart Upgrades. Obviously, the main goal here is to minimize the amount of times we need to revisit a level, but it seems virtually unavoidable in some instances. There's kinda an annoying amount of times early-game where you need one specific elemental bomb to do one thing in a level, so I think it's mandatory in a few instances. It'd be nice if we could at least avoid having to refight any bosses, but I'm not seeing a way where we can have Wind and Water bombs before Beauty Bomber. :( Not looking forward to having to sit through those cutscenes twice.
I also think an All-LC run could be interesting to route at some point in the future, too. A large amount of these Charaboms + Fusions are frankly useless. Most of them just max out one of your Fire/Bomb/Speed Ups, which you'll have after the first few levels anyway, and the fusions all seem totally useless outside of P Dragon. None of these portals are really ever in a very interesting spot and hardly actually use the Charaboms' powers...so eh. The LC's are at least in interesting spots, have interesting puzzles attached to them, or make boss fights at least a little more tense, but it just seems like a bit of a waste of time to pick up all these Charaboms and not use half of them.