benang: Karlson (Itch.io)
I have found a glitch that allows the player to get 0 seconds on certain levels using a glitch that stops the timer. The the mods that are reading I severely hope that this is not allowed as you could take 100 hours doing a level run and the time will still say 0. I have linked a video I made explaining the bug.
benang: SUPERHOT
Yeah I play on Xbox and even on runs that look like there are good than always turns out to be a 2.24. I’m guessing what fink said is the reason. I don’t really know if there is a way to get an older version on Xbox but that is a good question.
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benang: Introductions
I just started running a few days ago and am having a lot of fun. The community is great and I became a verifier on one of my favorite games already!
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