Argentinare_duke4 days ago

Taiwanese + Rebirth has better compatibility with gamepads and W10/W11 systems. Here is an in-depth tutorial to install everything:

(Links on description link to a version of Rebirth patch that won't work well for speedruns. You should get it from the "resources" section of this page instead)

Pessimessiah menyukai ini
Argentinare_duke4 days ago

There are 2 ways to set up the splits: either using autosplitter integrated with Livesplit, or use an autosplitter file from Resources page. Also autosplitter changes depending on game version (Japan/Chinese and vanilla/Rebirth)

Pessimessiah menyukai ini
Argentinare_duke11 days ago

Extract all 3 folders that the "cutscene skip mod" includes into your game folder (maybe you should have a backup of the game somewhere else first), then open the new bio2.exe and pick "speedrun edition" mod from Rebirth mod selector.

FURYCrH dan 2KLS1 menyukai ini
Argentinare_duke12 days ago

Am I the only one having crashes here? It happened twice at the same place.

Edit: nvm, I forgot to skip that and it seems that causes problems in some places.

2KLS1 menyukai ini
Argentinare_duke13 days ago

While this is not as easy to replicate than the current strat people are using atm, this is a few seconds faster so I wanted to share it in case someone else wants to investigate a bit further, or share any other strats here.

Subsonix, LinoBariana, dan StevenMayte menyukai ini
Argentinare_duke3 months ago

You lose about 2.5 seconds for each change so it's a matter of doing your own math. Best case scenario getting 1 change after getting 6. With 4 changes it may be not worth (because you are not guaranteed to always improve the rng). Too lazy to do the math myself.

Argentinare_duke3 months ago

If the timing differences favor the gog runner then it can't just be mixed in with existing board (which a slower timer would imply)

It's also true that, being the current legal version, it would be nice maybe for those that own it to be able to submit their runs. I'm not sure if Sourcenext+Rebirth running better in some ways is enough reason to not make, at least, a separate board for it.

2KLS1 menyukai ini
Argentinare_duke5 months ago

It all depends on if you mind wasting like 20+ seconds between the fight itself and crafting the ammo for it, compared to knife strat which is faster overall.

For runs over 44 minutes that shouldn't be an issue.

RaphBigGames menyukai ini
Argentinare_duke1 year ago

I participate. Discord: re_duke

crisdoile2, MattGael dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
Argentinare_duke2 years ago

After some time I could test RE3 on Windows 10 and today it crashed. Opening the game with W7 compatibility stopped the crashing for now, idk if it's a permanent fix.

Argentinare_duke2 years ago

I have talked to Gemini and it looks like it's an issue with the patch on windows 10, on windows 7 it never crashes.

Argentinare_duke3 years ago

So today I did a Leon B run which was pb in the end, but this happened:

In the middle of the valve cutscene I realized that had the srt closed so when I went to open it, windows UAC prompt opened too and it made the game stop for a while.

Because nothing is written in the rules I just wanted some clarification about the pause thing.

Rebirth patch allows to clic outside the game whithout pausing it but it does not prevent things like what happened to me.

Argentinare_duke3 years ago

So there is no way to move the old times to the new section right Anyways good idea.

Argentinare_duke3 years ago

@Ezkimmo That's funny, because at that time I was against tools that fix the rng precisely because I thought that people could use that to cheat, or make it easier. And when I was given the patch to test, at the beginning I wasn't a big fan of that option, for the same reason. But I changed my opinion. The fixed rng of Rebirth, when it's on, has sound cues in a couple rooms (basement/before basement/hydrant before rpd is broken) so you can tell if it's being used or not. I don't know if that's enough to stop cheaters, but the thing is that it's rare to see people cheating in this game, afaik there is only 1 runner who has rejected runs because of cheating.

MaterialBurst menyukai ini
Argentinare_duke3 years ago

"So making the game something completely different and also making it the main category is completely fine with you @re_duke? Really?"

Wait wait.. no. Maybe I express myself wrong. I don't want to replace anything. Just to have it as a new category But I think the categories aren't popular by themselves, they are popular because the runners choose to run them. Again; if the runners prefer it, what's the problem with that? Still don't understand why are you so scared of it.

Argentinare_duke3 years ago

"If there are tons of submissions there it wouldn't take long for the question to come up: "So now that favorable RNG % is so popular, why dont we make it a main category" ?

I talked about this with some runners and some of them said that it would be a boring category. And I agree with that at some point, because the gambling part this game has, is one of it's big hooks. But still, if we get to that point, if the mods don't let that happen, no problem with that.

Btw, I can't see the problem with it being more popular than any%. If a new category attracts new runners and keep the old ones into the game, it can't be bad. Why not accept it, if that's what the runners want?

"why exactly do we need a leaderboard for that?" That why CE exists, I guess.

Argentinare_duke3 years ago

Hello. Now that the rebirth patch has been approved, do you thing it's possible to add this as a new category in category extensions? what do you think

Argentinare_duke3 years ago

Right click on livesplit - edit layout - double click on scriptable autosplitter - and make sure you have open the autosplitter for your category there.

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